The KeyTek Model E518 gives you the full capability to perfrom Protection Coordination 10/1000?s surge waveform testing to 2kV now required under Telcordia Technologies GR-1089-CORE, Issue 3.
In addition to adding Protection Coordination test capability, the Model E518 KeyTek Module includes all capabilities of the current KeyTek Model E509 module for producing 10/1000?s waveforms to meet the First and Second Level Lightning test requirements of GR-1089-CORE Environment standard.
As part of the KeyTek ECAT system, peak voltage and current monitors provide readings from the E518 to the front panel or computer controller, and also supply attenuated outputs to BNC connectors as a simple and easy way to verify generator waveforms.
To add the KeyTek Model E518 test capabilities to your KeyTek ECAT test system or for additional information on the KeyTek system that meets ALL the lightning requirements of Telcordia-1089-CORE, please call us at 1-800-753-9835