With the Combics product family, Sartorius offers a high-quality scale series for the various applications of the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, metal and electrical industries.
Combics can adjust optimally to different process requirements due to its high flexibility regarding connection and configuration options.
Sartorius Combics offers a wide variety of platforms in different materials and dimensions. Depending on your requirements, all platforms can be combined with different indicators. (selected language: n/a) |
更多产品详情及可用型号,请点击“产品-配置”按钮 |
- 喷漆和不锈钢版本
- 高防腐蚀和IP防护等级(不锈钢版本达V4A | 1.4571,电镀版本为IP68 |IP69K),即使在恶劣环境下也很坚固耐用
- 3kg-3t不等的10种量程,以及13种平台尺寸,最大限度满足客户不同领域应用需求
- 法定计量应用时精度高达6000e 和/或3 x 3000e (多量程和多区间量程可用)
- 非计量应用时精度高达30,000d
- Various accessories are available, such as a load plate with a tread plate structure, frames for a pit installation with a lift-up load plate as well as benches. (selected language: n/a)
- Can be used in ATEX Zone 2, 22 areas | Platforms available for ATEX Zone 1/21 area (selected language: n/a)
Combics平台,不锈钢 |
- 3kg到3t不等的10种量程
- 13种平台尺寸
- 两种版本,精度等级Ⅲ,分辨率3,000或2×3,000e
- 两种标准分辨率,15,000d和30,000d
- 基底框架由AISI304或AISI306 Ti电抛光不锈钢制成
- 秤台可选用AISI 304不锈钢花纹钢板抛光材料
- IP67防护等级
Combics平台,喷漆 |
- 3kg到3t不等的10种量程
- 13种平台尺寸
- 两种版本,精度等级Ⅲ,分辨率3,000或2×3,000e
- 两种标准分辨率,15,000d和30,000d
- 基底框架喷漆或镀锌,秤台不锈钢或喷漆
- IP65防护等级
Combics Food平台 |
- AISI 304不锈钢, IP69K + IP68 (可选: 电抛光 AISI 316 Ti不锈钢)
- 秤盘:AISI304
- Class III 精度用于法定计量(1 x 3000e, 2 x 3000e) 或 标准分辨率 (15000d, 30000d)
- 3种尺寸平台 (DC, ED, FE)